
The committee is elected at our Annual General Meeting, which is usually held towards the end of Hilary term. This will be announced in an email and posted on the Hilary termcard closer to the time.

The current committee, along with those from previous years, is listed below. For information on committees prior to 2010, please refer to the archive.

PresidentVasil ZelenkovskiBalliol College
SecretaryNathan AdlamBalliol College
TreasurerArav BhattacharyaJesus College
IT OfficerTobias BretschneiderBalliol College
Puzzle MasterAtharva ParulekarSt John’s College
Puzzle MasterTamio Vesa NakajimaTrinity College
Puzzle MasterLuke CoreyBalliol College
Social SecretaryAnubhab GhosalSt Edmund’s Hall
Social SecretaryBeth Simons (TT24, MT24)New College
Social SecretaryAngie Wang (HT25)Jesus College
Publicity SecretaryMountain ChengThe Queen’s College
Magazine EditorToby LamBalliol College
PresidentOtilia CasuneanuBalliol
TreasurerAleksander BosekMansfield
SecretaryVlad TuchilusQueen’s
Magazine EditorDiego VurgaitOriel
IT OfficerTobias BretschneiderBalliol
Puzzle MasterAtharva ParulekarSt John’s
Puzzle MasterSerban CercelescuExeter
Puzzle MasterYuchen FanSt Hilda’s
Social SecretaryMaria MatthisMagdalen
Social SecretaryAnubhab GhosalSt Edmund Hall
Publicity SecretaryCampbell BrawleyWadham
Publicity SecretarySean WhiteWadham
PresidentOtilia CasuneanuBalliol
SecretaryVlad TuchilusSt Hugh’s
TreasurerBen GardnerBalliol
IT OfficerTobias BretschneiderBalliol
Social SecretaryMaria TascaSommerville
Social SecretaryDeepak GangerMansfield
Publicity SecretaryLeyi JiangLady Margret Hall
EditorDiego VurgaitOriel
Puzzle MasterAleksander BosekMansfield
Puzzle MasterOliver HaymanKeble
Puzzle MasterYuchen FanSt Hildas
PresidentVlad TuchilusSt Hugh’s
SecretaryLeo TyrpakLady Margaret Hall
TreasurerSarah HowardSt Hugh’s
IT OfficerVlad TurcumanSt Hugh’s
Social SecretaryBethan WhiteSt Hugh’s
Social SecretaryCameron LeeSt Hugh’s
Publicity SecretaryArun SoorSt John’s
Puzzle MasterAleksander BosekMansfield
Puzzle MasterOliver HaymanKeble
2020 – 2021
PresidentArun SoorSt John’s
SecretarySilvia ShenPembroke
TreasurerRavi KohliChrist Church
IT OfficerPhilip NielsenSt Peter’s
Social SecretaryStefan ClarkeSt John’s
Social SecretaryAndrei MariaWadham
Publicity SecretaryHagen PapenburgHertford
Magazine EditorMuhammad Waseemunkown
Puzzle MasterBenjamin BedertSt John’s
Puzzle MasterNicolas CassiaHertford
2019 – 2020
PresidentMonica MineaSt Peter’s
SecretaryAlexander AllinLady Margaret Hall
TreasurerCameron SpaldingWorcester
IT OfficerDiana MocanuHertford
Social SecretaryTamio Vesa NakajimaUniversity
Social SecretaryVlad MoldoveanuMagdalen
Publicity SecretaryBethany ClarkeSt Peter’s
Magazine EditorWoojoo NaLady Margaret Hall
Puzzle MasterPhilip NielsenSt Peter’s
Puzzle MasterMiroslav MarinovSt Catherine’s
2018 – 2019
PresidentDiana MocanuHertford
SecretaryAnita GergelyHertford
TreasurerWoojoo NaLady Margaret Hall
IT OfficerDebjit MandalSt John’s
Social SecretaryAndrei Raducea-MarinSt John’s
Social SecretaryCameron SpaldingWorcester
Publicity SecretaryDiana TrokowskaSt Hugh’s
Magazine EditorHazem Amr HassanWadham
Puzzle MasterAlexander AllinLady Margaret Hall
Puzzle MasterMiroslav MarinovSt Catherine’s
2017 – 2018
PresidentLeonhard HochfilzerSt John’s
SecretaryOleksii MelnykSt Hugh’s
TreasurerAjay PethaniWorcester
IT OfficerDebjit MandalSt John’s
Social SecretaryOliver FluckWorcester
Social SecretaryAnita GergelyHertford
Social SecretaryAndrei Raducea-MarinSt John’s
Publicity SecretaryDiana TrokowskaSt Hugh’s
Publicity SecretaryTedy NenuHertford
Magazine EditorHazem Amr HassanWadham
Puzzle MasterAlexander AllinLady Margaret Hall
Puzzle MasterMartin MachSt Anne’s
Puzzle MasterMiroslav MarinovSt Catherine’s
Puzzle MasterFrancesco PozzettiPembroke
2016 – 2017
PresidentEliza CasapopolBalliol
SecretaryThomas PerryJesus
TreasurerHyeji LeeSt John’s
Social SecretaryThomas PerryJesus
Publicity SecretaryDiana Trokowska (MT 2016, HT 2017)St Hugh’s
Publicity SecretaryOleksii Melnyk (MT 2016, HT 2017)St Hugh’s
Publicity SecretaryLawrence Kurowski (TT 2016)Magdalen
IT OfficerAlex ThorneSt John’s
Magazine EditorLawrence KurowskiMagdalen
Puzzle MasterTedy NenuHertford
Puzzle MasterAnita GergelyHertford
2015 – 2016
PresidentTodd Liebenschutz-JonesSt John’s
SecretaryOana AdascaliteiBalliol
TreasurerOliver Vipond (MT 2015, HT 2016)St John’s
TreasurerMatjaž Leonardis (TT 2015)Christ Church
Social SecretaryOliver Vipond (MT 2015, HT 2016)St John’s
Social SecretaryMatjaž Leonardis (TT 2015)Christ Church
Publicity SecretaryAlex ThorneSt John’s
IT OfficerAlex ThorneSt John’s
Magazine EditorLawrence KurowskiMagdalen
Puzzle MasterDaren KhuSt Anne’s
Puzzle MasterDerek KhuSt John’s
Puzzle MasterGabriel WongCorpus Christi
2014 – 2015
PresidentOliver VerranBrasenose
SecretaryOscar ChangSt Catherine’s
TreasurerZuzanna KruszczynskaExeter
Social SecretaryAlex ThorneSt John’s
Publicity SecretaryBen JarvisKeble
IT OfficerIon AmbrinocUniversity
Magazine EditorIon AmbrinocUniversity
Magazine EditorZuzanna KruszczynskaExeter
Puzzle MasterLukas KochMerton
2013 – 2014
PresidentAlbert WoodMagdalen
SecretaryAndrius VaicenaviciusSt Anne’s
TreasurerDouglas FicklingMagdalen
Social SecretaryElizabeth MorlandSt Hugh’s
Publicity SecretaryNela CicmilMagdalen
IT OfficerKarl McCarronMagdalen
Magazine EditorRichard MathersMerton
Puzzle MasterLothar KrappMansfield
Puzzle MasterAlberto Merchante GonzálezSt Edmund Hall
2012 – 2013
PresidentPhil TootillJesus
SecretaryWill PerryKeble
TreasurerSam EvingtonWorcester
Social SecretaryDouglas FicklingMagdalen
Publicity SecretaryMaciej MalinowskiMagdalen
IT OfficerKarl McCarronMagdalen
UGMS OrganiserDavid AbedNew
Puzzle MasterKris JoanidisSt John’s
2011 – 2012
PresidentCatrin Campbell-MooreWorcester
SecretaryBen DuffieldSt John’s
TreasurerBen HoskinLady Margaret Hall
Social SecretaryAndrew LeeSt Peter’s
Publicity SecretaryMatthew SaxtonJesus
IT OfficerTegid Morfett-JonesSt Edmund Hall
Puzzle MasterPhil TootillJesus
2010 – 2011
PresidentRosie CretneyQueen’s
SecretaryGraham HobbsOriel
TreasurerCatrin Campbell-MooreWorcester
Social SecretaryAmy SpicerOriel
Publicity SecretaryJuozas VaicenaviciusSt Anne’s
IT OfficerBen DuffieldSt John’s
Puzzle MasterBen HoskinLady Margaret Hall