Category: Termcard

  • Termcard for Trinity Term 1998

    Tuesday 1st Week Puzzles and Games The Invariants have roughly four kilos of puzzles and games, including Campaign, Rat-race, Monopoly, Careers, Law and Order, Speculate, 3D Noughts and Crosses, and Virtual Risk – like Risk, but without the game board. Come along and try your hand at them. Tuesday 2nd Week Dr Frances Kirwan (Balliol)…

  • Termcard for Hilary Term 1998

    Tuesday 1st Week Dr Tony Gardiner (Birmingham) “A Theory is born: from equations to group theory” How does a mathematical theory evolve? Are there identifiable “turning points” where a bunch of useful “tricks” is somehow turned into an identifiable “theory”? The talk will look at some of the stepping-stones that led, a century ago, to…

  • Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1997

    Tuesday 1st Week Dr David Acheson (Jesus) “From Calculus To Chaos” One person’s view of some of the highlights of mathematics. Dr Acheson will describe a few of the most important – and interesting – developments in maths, running up to the exciting recent concept of chaos. Friday 1st Week Freshers’ Drinks Party From 7…

  • Termcard for Trinity Term 1997

    Tuesday 1st Week Catherine Jackson (Southampton) “Ambition, Distraction, Uglification and Derision – School Mathematics” Catherine Jackson should be known (infamous?) to much of the Society as one of our most social Social Secretaries ever. Now, the promise of Jaffa Cakes has lured her back to Oxford. Saturday 1st week Trip to Warwick This will be…

  • Termcard for Hilary Term 1997

    Tuesday 1st Week Dr. Peter Braam (Carnegie Mellon) “Consistency Guarantees in Networked Filesystems” Networked filesystems have to balance performance against consistency guarantees about the currency of the data. Dr. Braam will explore a variety of models for networked filesystems and discuss the problems encountered when analysing the correctness and implementation of such systems. Tuesday 2nd…

  • Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1996

    Tuesday 1st week: Dr. David Acheson and Dr. John Roe (Jesus) “Mathematics and the Electric Guitar” Sunday 2nd week: Drinks Party8pm, Old Dining Hall, St. Edmund Hall Tuesday 2nd week: Professor Sir Roger Penrose (Wadham) “Impossible Crystals” Tuesday 3rd week: Prof. Richard Haydon (Brasenose) “Differentiating a Random Function” Saturday 3rd week: Treasure Hunt vs the…

  • Termcard for Trinity Term 1996

    Tuesday 1st week: Prof. Peter Graves-Morris (Bradford) “The Discovery of an Inequality” Tuesday 2nd week: Puzzles and Games EveningSt. Edmund Hall Music Room Saturday 2nd week: Visit to Bletchley Park Meet outside the OUP Bookshop, Gloucester Green at 8.50 a.m. [Joint with the Computer Society and the Scientific Society] Tuesday 3rd week: Dr. John Roe…

  • Termcard for Hilary Term 1996

    Tuesday 1st week: Dr. Peter Neumann (Queen’s) “Symmetry and Polynomials” Tuesday 2nd week: Catherine A. Jackson (Somerville) “George Green: Miller and Mathematician” Tuesday 3rd week: Prof. Peter Saunders (King’s College, London) “The Gaia Hypothesis and the Daisyworld Model” Tuesday 4th week: Dr. Andrew Hodges (Wadham) Alan Turing: his life and work” Saturday 4th week: Sixtieth…

  • Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1995

    Tuesday 1st week: Dr. Robin Wilson (Keble) “800 Years of Oxford Mathematics” Sunday 2nd week: Drinks Party from 8 p.m., Morley-Fletcher Room, Worcester Tuesday 2nd week: Prof. Caroline Series (Warwick) “What Is A Continued Fraction?”Please bring a writing implement, ruler and scissors – or a sharp knife… Sunday 3rd week: Treasure Hunt with Cambridge, Warwick…

  • Termcard for Trinity Term 1995

    Tuesday 1st week: Prof. Martin Arkowitz (Dartmouth College, USA) “Why the Percentage of Blue-Eyed People Stays the Same” Tuesday 2nd week: Dr. Lynda White (Imperial) “To Wed or not to Wed? That is the Question” Tuesday 3rd week: Dr. Roger Heath-Brown (Magdalen) “The Oldest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics?”Lecture Room B, Worcester, 8.30pm Sunday 4th week:…
