Category: Termcard

  • Termcard for Michaelmas Term 2001

    Tuesday 1st Week Dr. Robin Wilson (Open University & Keble) “Alice in Numberland” Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson) was a maths don at Christ Church. This illustrated talk looks at his mathematics, both serious and recreational. Tuesday 2nd Week Dr. David Acheson (Jesus) “Great Mathematical Mistakes” Mathematics is sometimes presented as if it is, from the…

  • Termcard for Trinity Term 2001

    Tuesday 3rd week – 8th May at 10am at the Mathematical Institute – Higham Room : What is the Future of Invariants ? Please attend in numbers, and bring along friends, who have a critical view of Invariants. Some things have gone wrong in the past few years, and we would like to find out…

  • Termcard for Hilary Term 2001

    Tuesday 1st Week Prof. G. R. Grimmett (Cambridge) “Stochastic Pinball” The most fundamental stochastic process is termed `random walk’, and it models the movement of a particle about a space. There is a neat interplay between random walks and electrical networks. Tuesday 2nd Week Prof. Sir Christopher Zeeman “Applications of Catastrophe Theory to the Physical,…

  • Termcard for Michaelmas Term 2000

    Tuesday 1st Week Dr. Robin Wilson (Open University & Keble) “Stamping Through the Millennium” Dr. Wilson will cover the past thousand years of mathematics in one hour, illustrating the mathematics an mathematicians in a rather unusual way. Tuesday 2nd Week Dr. Peter Neumann (The Queen’s College) “What is the next number?” We’ll start from the…

  • Termcard for Trinity Term 2000

    Tuesday 1st Week Dr. Bruce Henning (St. Catherine’s) “Variations on a Theme of Mach” Mach bands are regions of lightness and darkness, not present in the stimulus, but arising from the visual system’s response to certain spatial distributions of luminance. Mach showed that these bands are not part of the objective luminance distribution, but brightness…

  • Termcard for Hilary Term 2000

    Tuesday 1st Week Mike Richards (GCHQ) “History of Number Theory: 4000 years in 4000 seconds” Tuesday 2nd Week Ian Sobey (Comlab) “Unsteady vortices and mixing in blood devices” Tuesday 3rd Week Ice Skating Meet outside the Maths Institute at 8:15pm, or at Carfax at around 8:30. Tuesday 5th Week Members’ Papers Rebecca Lodwick “Mary Fairfax…

  • Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1999

    Tuesday 1st Week David Acheson (Jesus) “Desert Island Mathematics” Tuesday 2nd Week Rebecca Gower (DfEE) “How to build with LEGO” Sunday 3rd Week Treasure Hunt Tuesday 3rd Week Prof. John Davenport (Bath) “Public Key Cryptography and recent developments in factoring integers” Tuesday 4th Week Paul Tod (St John’s) “What do mathematicians do?” Tuesday 5th Week…

  • Termcard for Trinity Term 1999

    Tuesday 1st Week Invariant Puzzles and Games It is once again time to dust off the cornucopia that is the Invariant Society’s box of board games and similar items. We will not be deterred by missing pieces, nor even missing boards. Tuesday 2nd Week Dr Brian Stewart (Exeter) “A Combinatorial Proof of the Pythagoras Theorem”…

  • Termcard for Hilary Term 1999

    Tuesday 1st Week Dr. Gordon James (ICL) “Games with Permutations” Tuesday 2nd Week Prof James Higginbotham (Somerville) “The Logic of Time and Tense” Tuesday 3rd Week Dr Andrew Fowler (OCIAM) “Mathematics of Fire and Ice” Tuesday 4th Week Prof Peter Maini (Brasenose) “Mathematical Models for Wound Healing” Tuesday 5th Week Members’ Papers Miles Blackford “Fourier”…

  • Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1998

    Tuesday 1st Week Dr. Acheson (Jesus) “Chaos, Catastrophes and the Electric Guitar” Thursday 1st Week Freshers’ Drinks At the Lower Lecture Theatre, Lincoln. Tuesday 2nd Week Prof Alan Camina (UEA) “Are Elections Fair?” Tuesday 3rd Week Dr Robin Wilson (Open University and Keble) “The Mathematics of Lewis Carroll” Tuesday 4th Week Prof Gareth Jones (Southampton)…
