Category: Termcard

  • Termcard for Trinity Term 1981

    Tuesday 3rd Week: Dr. Riddaway (Met. Office) “Weather Forecasting – Magic or Maths” 5.30 p.m. To be followed by a sherry party for college reps. Wednesday 4th Week: Annual Dinner Sunday 6th Week: Croquet Match against the Faculty Tuesday 6th Week: Dr. Luke (St. Hugh’s) Sunday 7th Week: Punt Party

  • Termcard for Hilary Term 1981

    Monday 3rd Week: Dr. R.M. Anderson (Imperial) “The Dynamics and Control of Rabies within Fox Populations” Tuesday 4th Week: Dr. Ed Fiddy (OR Manager, British Leyland, Cowley) “Emotion v. Logic [Joint with OR Society] Sherry will be served afterwards. Saturday 4th Week: Problems Drive v. the Archimedeans at Cambridge. Tuesday 5th Week: Dr. D. Singmaster…

  • Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1980

    Tuesday 2nd Week: Dr. J.D. Murray (Corpus Christi) “How the leopard got its spots and some other biological and ecological stories: a mathematician’s view” Tuesday 3rd Week: Dr. J. Conway (Cambridge) “The Monster Group” Saturday 4th Week: Balloon Debate with the Cambridge Archimedeans Tuesday 5th Week: Prof. D. Lynden-Bell, FRS (Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge) “The…

  • Termcard for Trinity Term 1980

    Thursday 3rd Week: Prof. R. Penrose (Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics) “Non-periodic Tiling” Wednesday 4th Week: Annual Dinner Tuesday 5th Week: Prof. Sir Hermann Bondi (Chief Scientist, Dept. of Energy) “Gravitation” [Joint meeting with OU Scientific Society]

  • Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1979

    Tuesday 2nd Week: Dr. Peter Neumann (Queen’s) “Is group theory really necessary?” Friday 3rd Week: Prof. E. Christopher Zeeman, FRS (Warwick) “Applications of catastrophe theory” [Joint meeting with OU Scientific Society] Tuesday 5th Week: Prof. T. Brooke Benjamin, FRS (Oxford) “New thoughts on soap films” Tuesday 6th Week: Prof. Sir Hermann Bondi [postponed until Trinity…

  • Termcard for Hilary Term 1979

    Tuesday 2nd Week: Mr. S.L. Parsonson (Harrow School) Tuesday 3rd Week: Prof. R.C. Jennison (Kent) “The Origin of Inertia Tuesday 5th Week: Dr. A. Slomson (Leeds) “To be or not to be” Tuesday 6th Week: Dr. R.J. Wilson (Open University) “Maps, Mazes and Molecules” Tuesday 7th Week: A.G.M. Tuesday 8th Week: Annual Dinner

  • Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1978

    Tuesday 2nd Week: Prof. W.H. McCrea, FRS (Sussex) “Tree Rings and Dinosaurs” Tuesday 3rd Week: Prof. J.H. Ziman, FRS (Bristol) “What is Mathematics doing in Science?” Tuesday 4th Week: Halloween Party Tuesday 5th Week: Dr. A.G. Hitchcock (Rhodesia) “On Balance of Mind” Tuesday 6th Week: Problems Drive vs. the Archimedeans Tuesday 7th Week: Prof. W.…

  • Termcard for Trinity Term 1978

    Tuesday 1st week: Dr. J. H. Conway (Cambridge) Tuesday 2nd week: Dr. W. Marks (Coal Research Est.) “Prehistoric mathematicians – an illustrated talk” Tuesday 3rd week: Prof. W. M. Kantor (Oregon) Tuesday 4th week: Dr. I. P. Grant (Pembroke)

  • Termcard for Hilary Term 1978

    Tuesday 1st week: Prof. G. Temple CBE, FRS “Noah’s Theorem – James Clerk Maxwell & Morse Theory” Tuesday 2nd week: Dr. J. F. Macqueen (CERL) “Exponentials – at sea and in crisis” Tuesday 3rd week: Prof. C. A. R. Hoare (Oxford) “A calculus for computer programming” Tuesday 4th week: Dr. R. J. Wilson (Open University)…

  • Termcard for Hilary Term 1977

    Tuesday 2nd week: Alex Abian (Iowa State University) “Solvability of Infinite Systems of Linear Equations” Tuesday 3rd week: Jeremy Grey (Open University) “The True Story of the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry” Tuesday 4th week: Trip to Cambridge for Puzzles Match against the Archimedeans Tuesday 5th week: Prof. John Taylor “Gravitation and Black Holes” Tuesday 6th…