Termcard for Michaelmas Term 2016

Caught Between Dimensions

Richard Earl, University of Oxford
Week 1, Tuesday 11 October MT 2016
L2, Mathematical Institute

Examples of fractals like the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets are easy to define in terms of sequences of complex numbers. No doubt you will have seen many weird and wonderful images of these fractals – but what is it to be a fractal? This is an introductory talk about some ideas of dimension theory and how it is that a set can have a dimension that isn’t a whole number.


Nikolay Nikolov, University of Oxford
Week 2, Tuesday 18 October MT 2016
L2, Mathematical Institute

One of the first results in Mathematics studied at university is that every vector space has a basis. In this talk I will explain how this basic result helped to solve Hilbert’s third problem: Can a cube be assembled from a regular tetrahedron of the same volume by cutting them into finitely many tetrahedral pieces?

Invariants Social: Maths, Drinks and Pizza

Week 3, Tuesday 25 October MT 2016
Common Room, Mathematical Institute

It’s already week 3 so congratulations to all our freshers for surviving the first few weeks in Oxford! To celebrate this huge achivement we want to organise next week Maths’ Drinks. We will have pizza and drinks, board games and lots of fun.

Squirrels, Cancer and Animal Coat Markings

Philip Maini, University of Oxford
Week 4, Tuesday 1 November MT 2016
L2, Mathematical Institute

Mathematical models are being more and more widely used in the biological and medical sciences. In this talk, I will show how mathematical models initially used to understand ecological interactions (for example, the invasion of the UK by the grey squirrel) are now being used to understand cancer invasion.


Week 5, Tuesday 8 November MT 2016
L2, Mathematical Institute



Dr Robin Knight
Week 6, Tuesday 15 November MT 2016
L2, Mathematical Institute


General Meeting

Week 7, Tuesday 22 November MT 2016
TBA, Mathematical Institute



Week 8, Tuesday 29 November MT 2016
TBA, Mathematical Institute


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