Termcard for Michaelmas Term 2001

Tuesday 1st Week
Dr. Robin Wilson (Open University & Keble)

“Alice in Numberland”
Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson) was a maths don at Christ Church. This illustrated talk looks at his mathematics, both serious and recreational.

Tuesday 2nd Week
Dr. David Acheson (Jesus)

“Great Mathematical Mistakes”
Mathematics is sometimes presented as if it is, from the very outset, rigorously correct and perfectly formed. Quite often, however, it arises from novel ideas which turn out, in the end, to be completely wrong.
And some mistakes are more spectacular than others…..

Tuesday 3rd Week
Dr. Simon Singh

“Fermat’s Last Theorem”
Simon Singh, author and director, will be showing his BBC documentary about Andrew Wiles’s proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem. Afterwards, he will be talking about the programme, his books, and the popularisation of mathematics.

Tuesday 4th Week
Puzzles and Games

Tuesday 5th Week
Dr. Hilary Priestley (St. Anne’s)

“Algebras in logic and computer science: a branch of applied mathematics?”

Thursday 6th Week
Ice Skating

End of Term is getting ever nearer by now, and Work will be piling in upon you, so vent your frustration and acquire a whole range of personal injuries you would never have believed possible by skating. Meet outside the Maths Institute at 8:15 p.m., or at Carfax at 8:30. This will cost a few pounds.

Tuesday 7th Week
Dr. Tim Gardener

“Geometry in Logic and Logic in Geometry”
Model Theory is about solving equations in mathematical structures. Often it is useful to view these structures in geometrical ways. Geometry is about solving equations in mathematical structures. Can it ever be useful to explore these structures in logical ways?

Tuesday 8th Week
Invariants Christmas Party

Join us for our Christmas Party at the Mathematical Institute at 8 pm. There will be mulled wine and party games in addition to the usual tea and biscuits.

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