Termcard for Hilary Term 2000

Tuesday 1st Week
Mike Richards (GCHQ)

“History of Number Theory: 4000 years in 4000 seconds”

Tuesday 2nd Week
Ian Sobey (Comlab)

“Unsteady vortices and mixing in blood devices”

Tuesday 3rd Week
Ice Skating

Meet outside the Maths Institute at 8:15pm, or at Carfax at around 8:30.

Tuesday 5th Week
Members’ Papers

Rebecca Lodwick “Mary Fairfax Somerville”
Colin Jack “Mathematical Puzzles and Crimes”
Tim Bagot “Vast Numbers”
Jason Lotay “Numbers in the Bible”

Tuesday 6th Week
Prof. Ronnie Brown (Bangor)

“How mathematics gets into knots”

Tuesday 7th Week
Prof. Tim Pedley (Cambridge)

“Bioconvection: pattern formation in populations of swimming micro-organisms”

Tuesday 8th Week
Dr. Chris Good

“Point Set Topology”

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