Termcard for Hilary Term 1999

Tuesday 1st Week
Dr. Gordon James (ICL)

“Games with Permutations”

Tuesday 2nd Week
Prof James Higginbotham (Somerville)

“The Logic of Time and Tense”

Tuesday 3rd Week
Dr Andrew Fowler (OCIAM)

“Mathematics of Fire and Ice”

Tuesday 4th Week
Prof Peter Maini (Brasenose)

“Mathematical Models for Wound Healing”

Tuesday 5th Week
Members’ Papers

Miles Blackford “Fourier”
Jo Keefe “Kant and the a priori / a posteriori distinction”
Owen Massey and Alice Dryden “Sylvester, Poetaster”
Tim Bagot “Computer Parsing of Arithmetic Expressions”
Helen Broadie “Cutting Cakes”
Paul Whitaker “Cowtown”

Wednesday 5th Week, 7:30pm
Invariants Annual Dinner

Held in the Savile Room, Merton; our guest is Professor Welsh.
£15 non drinking/£18 drinking

Tuesday 6th Week
Ice Skating

Meet outside the Maths Institute at 8pm (or in Carfax at 8:15). There will be a charge of about £5 at the rink.

Tuesday 7th Week
Dr. Andrew Hodges (Wadham)

“From Turing to Penrose – what does the brain compute?”
Followed by the Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 8th Week
Dr Colin McDiarmid (Corpus)

To Be Announced

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