Termcard for Trinity Term 1997

Tuesday 1st Week
Catherine Jackson (Southampton)

“Ambition, Distraction, Uglification and Derision – School Mathematics”

Catherine Jackson should be known (infamous?) to much of the Society as
one of our most social Social Secretaries ever. Now, the promise of Jaffa
Cakes has lured her back to Oxford.

Saturday 1st week
Trip to Warwick

This will be a joint event, hosted by our counterparts at Warwick University.
We will be catching the 09:18 train from Oxford station, and meeting at 11:04
in Warwick: the rail fare is about £10. The format of the day is up
to them, but should involve a competition (similar to last Michaelmas’
Treasure Hunt).

Tuesday 2nd Week
Quiz Night

In Worcester Lecture Room C. Meet in Worcester lodge at 8:15pm

Saturday 2nd Week
Annual Dinner

This will be held in Worcester College hall.

Tuesday 3rd Week
Dr Dermot Roaf (Exeter)

“Bells and Bell Ringing”

Dr Roaf will explore the connections between mechanics, group theory and bells,
with musical aid from the OU Society of Change Ringers. Coincidentally (Owen
made me say this), he is the County Councillor for Oxford North.

Tuesday 4th Week
Trip to the Reality Centre

The Reality Centre is a state-of-the-art computer graphics facility in Theale,
on the outskirts of Reading, and Alistair Mills of Silicon Graphics has kindly
agred to give the Society a tour. Meet behind the Maths Institute at 10:10am;
the bus will drop us off at the same point at about 1:15pm. It is possible that
space will be limited; see the Secretary beforehand if you want to guarantee
a place (the trip is free of charge).

Tuesday 5th Week
Problems Drive

The Problems Drive is a mathematical contest set each year by the Archimedeans,
our Cambridge competitors. Since only two Invariants went last term, they have
offered to host a repeat of the event here in Oxford. This will be held from
8:15pm in the Maths Institute; the contestants are arranged in teams of two,
but you don’t have to have a partner to attend.

Tuesday 6th Week

Puzzles and Games Event

Our copious stocks of puzzles and games of every kind will be explored,
starting at 8:15pm, in room Front 3:1, Merton.

Tuesday 7th and 8th week

Informal Gatherings

To be held, provisionally, in Front 3:1 Merton from 8:15pm. One of these
should be a Video Night, featuring videos of a highly mathematical and
educational nature (Blackadder is roughly the level we have in mind).
We’ll confirm the venue for this nearer the time.

Saturday 7th week

Punt Party

Another Invariants tradition. Meet in Merton Lodge at 10am; there will be a
small charge for food and/or alcohol.

The day after Mods finish

Celebratory Picnic

With luck, this will be held in the University Parks; if the weather doesn’t
cooperate, we’ll migrate to someone’s room.

Depending on the Archimedeans, the Invariants-Archimedeans Annual
Croquet Match
will be held in Cambridge sometime late this term. We’ll
send out the details for this as soon as we get them.

Join our mailing list so you don’t miss any events!


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