Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1996

Tuesday 1st week:
Dr. David Acheson and Dr. John Roe (Jesus) “Mathematics and the Electric Guitar”

Sunday 2nd week:
Drinks Party
8pm, Old Dining Hall, St. Edmund Hall

Tuesday 2nd week:
Professor Sir Roger Penrose (Wadham) “Impossible Crystals”

Tuesday 3rd week:
Prof. Richard Haydon (Brasenose) “Differentiating a Random Function”

Saturday 3rd week:
Treasure Hunt vs the Archimedeans
Meet outside the Maths Institute at 2.30pm

Tuesday 4th week:
Dr. John Ockendon (St. Catherine’s) “Making the Best of Pure and Applied Mathematics”

Tuesday 5th week:
Dr. Andrew Lipson (GCHQ) “Knots and Polynomials: When is an S’ not an S’?”

Tuesday 6th week:
Professor Fred Piper (Royal Holloway) “How to keep a secret”

Saturday 6th week:
LaserQuest vs O.U. Scientific Society
Meet outside LaserQuest, Gloucester Green, at 2pm, not at 3pm as previously advertised.

Tuesday 7th week:
Professor Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer (Cambridge) “How to Play Games”

Tuesday 8th week:
Christmas Party
8pm, Vaughan JCR, Somerville

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