Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1995

Tuesday 1st week:
Dr. Robin Wilson (Keble) “800 Years of Oxford Mathematics”

Sunday 2nd week:
Drinks Party from 8 p.m.,
Morley-Fletcher Room, Worcester

Tuesday 2nd week:
Prof. Caroline Series (Warwick) “What Is A Continued

Please bring a writing implement, ruler and scissors – or a sharp knife…

Sunday 3rd week:
Treasure Hunt with Cambridge, Warwick and Imperial maths societies
Meet outside the Maths Institute at 2 p.m.

Tuesday 3rd week:
Dr. David Acheson (Jesus) “Not Quite the Indian Rope Trick”

Tuesday 4th week:
Johnny Ball
Two pounds non-members

Tuesday 5th week:
Dr. W. B. R. Lickorish (Cambridge) “Knots, Links and Invariants”

Tuesday 6th week:
Dr. Paul Tod (St. John’s) “What Do Mathematicians do?”

Tuesday 7th week:
Dr. J. V. Field (Birkbeck College, London) “How Not to Invent Projective Geometry: Art and Mathematics in the Renaissance”

Tuesday 8th week:
Christmas Party
8 p.m., Morley-Fletcher Room, Worcester
One pound non-drinkers, 1.50 drinkers, pay on the door

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