Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1993

Tuesday 1st Week:
Dr. Robin J. Wilson (Open University) “Map Colouring”

Thursday 1st Week:
Puzzles and Games Wine Party – Somerville

Tuesday 2nd Week:
Dr. David Acheson (Oxford University) “The Not-So-Simple Pendulum”

Tuesday 3rd Week:
Professor Roger Penrose (Oxford University) “Drawing, Using Complex Numbers”

Wednesday 4th Week:
Professor Sir Hermann Bondi “Gravitation”

Tuesday 5th Week:
Professor Lowell Beineke (Indiana University) “Through the Lurking Graphs”

Tuesday 6th Week:
Dr. Keith Hannabuss (Oxford University) “Who Killed Schrodinger’s Cat?”

Tuesday 7th Week:
Bernard Sufrin (Oxford University) “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the … Text Editor”

Tuesday 8th Week:
Christmas Party – Somerville

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