Termcard for Hilary Term 1986

Tuesday 1st Week:
Dr. K.C. Hannabuss (Balliol College) “Brownian Motion and Schrodinger’s Cat”

Tuesday 2nd Week:
Professor J.H. Conway, FRS (Cambridge University) “1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, … Guess the Next Term”

Tuesday 3rd Week:
Annual Dinner

Tuesday 4th Week:
D.A. Quadling (Cambridge Institute of Education) “Organised Games”

Tuesday 5th Week:
Dr. C.M. Series (Warwick University) “N0n-Euclidean Geometry and Continued Functons”

Tuesday 6th Week:
Professor E.C. Zeeman, FRS (Warwick University) “On the Discovery and Mathematics of Perspective”

Tuesday 7th Week:
Dr. N.M.J. Woodhouse (Wadham College) “The Feynman Effect”

Tuesday 8th Week:
Dr C. McDiarmid (Wolfson College)

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