Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1984

Thursday 1st Week:
Dr. E.J. Anderson (Clare College Cambridge) “Amazing Mazes”

Wednesday 2nd Week:
Social Evening: Cheese & Wine

Tuesday 3rd Week:
Professor J.H. Conway, Professor of Pure Mathematics at Cambridge “17/91, 78/85, 19/51, 23/38, 29/33, 77/29, 95/23, 77/19, 1/17, 11/13, 13/11, 15/14, 15/2, 55/1 and all that!”

Tuesday 4th Week:
Dr. David Singmaster (Polytechnic of the South Bank) “Classical Problems in Recreational Mathematics”

Tuesday 5th Week:
Professor R.M. Anderson (Imperial College, London) “Mathematics and the Design of Disease Control Programs”

Tuesday 6th Week:
Dr. K.C. Hannabus (Balliol College) “The Life of H.J.S. Smith”

Tuesday 7th Week:
Dr. R. Shail (Surrey University) “So you think you can sum series!”

Tuesday 8th Week:
Professor H.J. Beker (Racal Research Ltd.) “The Relevance of Mathematics to Information Technology”

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