Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1981

Tuesday 1st Week:
Prof. C.A.R. Hoare (Dept. of Programming Research, Oxford) “Incomputability”

Tuesday 2nd Week:
Dr. Brian Goodwin (Sussex) “Pythagorean Biology: Harmonic Functions and Biological Forms”

Tuesday 3rd Week:
Prof. A.F.M. Smith (Nottingham) “The Analysis of Discontinuous Change”

Tuesday 5th Week:
Dr. C.H. Vincent (AWRE, Aldermaston) “The Generation of Truly Random Numbers”

Tuesday 6th Week:
Dr. Ray Hill (Salford) “Error Correcting Codes”

Tuesday 7th Week:
Dr. M. Gurzon (Oxford) “The Development of a Model for Human Sound Perception – Ambisonics”

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