Termcard for Michaelmas Term 1967

Tuesday 1st week:
Dr. J. T. Lewis (Brasenose) “Group Theory and Dynamics”

Tuesday 2nd week:
Prof. G. Kreisal (Stanford) “What exactly was Hilbert’s Programme?”

Tuesday 3rd week:
Film Meeting

Tuesday 4th week:
Brains Trust

Tuesday 5th week:
Mr. C. Strachey (Programming Research Group) “Names and Addresses” or “What happens when variables vary”

Friday 5th week:
Archimedeans visit Oxford.

Tuesday 6th week:
Prof. C. A. Coulson (Oxford) “Why bother about Applied Mathematics?”
Joint meeting with ODBMA

Tuesday 7th week:
Prof. J. T. Murray (Courant Institute, New York) “Mathematics and the Bio-sciences”

Sunday 8th week:
Trip to the Atomic Energy Research Dept. at Harwell in Berkshire.

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